reached its 150 Products mark on February 18th 2015, a little over a year after its launch, and now, in an effort to expand the range of products and introduce more Not-Yet-Available-Anywhere-Else-In-India products to the market, a whole new range of products have been added to the website in the past month taking the number of products to a whopping 191! We’ll be adding even more products in coming weeks!
The new products include an updated range of Dynamixel motors, Humanoids, Quadcopters, Robot kits, Sensors, Robot Arms, Motor drivers, Arduino compatible boards and more!!
The past few weeks also saw the L.A.B.S. category being taken off the website, where payment for memberships/workshops of JMoon MakerSpace and trainings of JMoon L.A.B.S. could be made. This was done to make sure that RoboRium is focused on providing robotic products at the lowest cost in INDIA. But a new alternative popped up as soon as that was done. You can now pay for our membership, workshops and courses on Instamojo.
Check out the whole new range of products on
Update (03-May-2015): As of now, has 200 products.