This past week we built 2 barebone shields for testing purposes of ESP8266 ESP-01 Modules from RoboRium and the soon-to-be-added-on-RoboRium GSM Module.
These shields allow to test their modules before they are shipped out to the customer.
Here are some photos of the shields.
The test code for ESP-01 Module you can use is:
// Copyright of JMoon Technologies Pvt. Ltd. // Created by Jasmeet Singh // To view the result of this code, go to #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define NET "JMOON" // SSID of your wifi network #define PASS "JMOONMAKERSPACE" // Password of your wifi network #define IP "" // IP of String GET = "GET /update?key=UZJ2B1U9TTYYYRBQ&field1="; SoftwareSerial esp(8,9); String command = ""; void writeEsp() { // Serial.println(command); esp.println(command); command = ""; } void readEsp() { char ch; while(esp.available()) { ch =; Serial.print(ch); } Serial.println(); delay(3000); } void readfastEsp() { char ch; while(esp.available()) { ch =; Serial.print(ch); } } void atEsp(){ command="AT"; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void atlapEsp(){ // List all networks. NOT USED. //Before Using, Change _SS_MAX_RX_BUFF in arduino\libraries\SoftwareSerial\SoftwareSerial.h from 64 to 960. command="AT+CWLAP"; writeEsp(); readEsp(); delay(5000); } void atmodeEsp(int mode){ // mode = 1 - Station , 2 - AP, 3 - Both command="AT+CWMODE="; command+=mode; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void netconnectEsp(){ command="AT+CWJAP=\""; command+=NET; command+="\",\""; command+=PASS; command+="\""; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void checkIP(){ command="AT+CIFSR"; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void statusEsp(){ command="AT+CIPSTATUS"; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void connectionEsp(int mode){ // mode: 0 - Single Connection, 1 - Multiple Connection command="AT+CIPMUX="; command+=mode; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void siteconnect(int id){ // id: 0,1,2,3,4 channels command="AT+CIPSTART="; command+=id; command+=",\"TCP\",\""; command+=IP; command+="\",80"; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void sendThing(int count){ command="AT+CIPSEND=4,43"; /* 43 is the packet size because I was only sending digits from 0 to 9 so the size did not change, if you want to send more data or 2 digit integers, keep in mind to use command.length() to find out the actual packet size. Packet size also includes the \r\n at the end.*/ writeEsp(); readfastEsp(); command=GET; command+=count; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void siteclose(){ command="AT+CIPCLOSE"; // command+=id; writeEsp(); readEsp(); } void flushat(){ char ch; while(esp.available()) { ch =; } } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); esp.begin(9600); atEsp(); atmodeEsp(3); statusEsp(); netconnectEsp(); checkIP(); connectionEsp(1); } void loop() { for (int count=0;count<=9;count++){ siteconnect(4); sendThing(count); delay(100); siteclose(); // siteclose(4); delay(5000); flushat(); delay(55000); } }
The result of this code is the following graph: