RoboRium isn’t just the cheapest online robotic store of India, it also has the best customer service. How do we know that all our customers from the day of the launch (26, January 2014) are satisfied and happy with the product’s prices, quality and our service? Here’s how…
Fact 1: We’ve never had a bad product review.
That’s right. There has NEVER been an instance of RoboRium getting a bad review about the quality of the product either on the website or in the email. None! Nada! Zip! Zilch!
Never has a customer said “Hey, this didn’t work right.” or “Hey, there was a defect in this.”
Reason: We don’t add a product to the website till we know its of the best quality money can buy. If we don’t like it, all the pieces of that product usually go in the bin or more likely end up in the storage box where we keep stuff that can be scavenged for parts when needed for personal projects. Some products with overall bad quality, may still have a few good quality parts, and we don’t like wasting those.
Also, before an order goes out, we check for defects. This is done on random orders to make sure everything works as expected.
Fact 2: There has been no issue that has gone unsolved.
Whether it be an order that mistakenly didn’t include all the products before it was shipped or an order that didn’t arrive as soon as it was expected, we’ve always sorted out the issues as soon as humanly possible.
Reason: We don’t claim that we have a smooth running of operations 100% of the time. Sometimes the number of orders is overwhelming, even for us, but there has never been an instance where a customer said that he wasn’t informed of a delay.
We have a less than 24 hour response time to most queries that come our way, usually even less than 5 hours. No customer has ever said that his/her query wasn’t solved within the right amount of time.
Fact 3: We give away free codes.
Yep. Most of the not-so-common products that are listed on RoboRium usually have a how-to wiki guide that includes free AVR Studio/Arduino IDE code. So even if a person isn’t buying the product from us, he still can use the wiki to create his project.
Reason: We love innovation and the first step to that is the sharing of knowledge. We sometimes actually have interns do this coding/testing of our products, for us. This helps these student interns get access to a whole bunch of parts that they wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise. You can become that intern too if you’ve got the talent!
In the initial days, all of the wiki details and codes were written by the founder himself.
Fact 4: We allow an anonymous feedback
You can leave an anonymous review of anything you didn’t like about RoboRium.
Reason: We want to help you solve it and in-turn make sure that something like that never happens again with you or any another person. So if you have a slightly bad experience (which we assure you, you won’t), it could actually help a whole lot of people when you leave your review.
Fact 5: Our prices are lower than everybody.
We regularly compete with (and win against) seasoned players from eBay, Amazon, and other big and small online robotic stores of India.
Reason: We need to be the lowest priced store in India. ALWAYS. We can’t have a store that claims to be the lowest cost online store for robotics and then not actually have the lowest prices. Sometimes people wonder why do not yet have common boards like the Raspberry Pi on our store. Our answer to that is- right now the price we can offer you is the same price everybody else is offering. If we add a product to our store, it HAS to be at the cheapest cost. It took us almost a year to bring the Arduino Mega clone to the store for the same reason. We’ll have your product soon, and it’ll be at a price that will leave make your jaw drop to the floor and make you say “How did they do that? That’s mental!”. That’s a code we live by.
Fact 6: We don’t pretend we know everything.
In fact most of our customers (who are students) know more about the latest products out there than we do (sometimes). And they let us know about them if we somehow miss out on that information. Its the perfect relationship! We bring in what they truly want to work on, and they get up to 15% discount for suggesting it (that’s a 15% discount on the lowest price in India).
Fact 7: We offer special discounts on Facebook.
From time to time, we get this sudden urge to offer discounts to our facebook page followers. Our customers love that!
Fact 8: RoboRium manages the electronics of makerspaces in Delhi.
Along with handling the electronics of JMoon MakerSpace, the electronics of Maker’s Asylum in Delhi have been donated by RoboRium.
Reason: This gives the local customers a chance to buy the products offline at the same price that is listed online and save on shipping while they work on a project. If you want your local makerspace to carry RoboRium’s products too, simply get in touch with us.
Fact 9: We sponsor innovation.
RoboRium’s customers approach us for sponsorship opportunities in their college tech fests, or research projects (like SRM Team Humanoid, SRM University, Chennai) from time to time, and whenever we’ve been excited about the innovation involved, we’ve given them our full support.
Fact 10: We’ve given people a platform to sell their prototypes.
This year, we’ve introduced which allows any person or startup to start selling their products and finding customers easily.
Reason: Of the 3 segments of the maker ecosystem, the only non-existent part in India so far was the “Maker to Market”. With MakerMandi we’ve solved that problem. In the words of the founder:
“Think of as the (easier to use) combination of Etsy + Tindie + Lower priced version of eBay.”
So if you build projects, or have prototypes you want to showcase and sell to the world, you know where to signup. For the people buying from Maker Mandi, we assure the same level of commitment they’ve come to expect from RoboRium.
Some photos of reviews by our customers.
Review 1
A review through WhatsApp.

Review 2
A photo of the hand written message by a customer after his order was delivered.

Review 3
This was posted on our facebook page during one of the facebook contests.
Review 4
The review after a mixup in order.

There was a mixup in this customer’s 1st order. We talked with him about it on a Sunday. He placed another order, of more products, a few days later and this was the email we got after the 2nd order was delivered.
Review 5
He told us about a glitch in the website’s payment processing and we made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Review 6
The full conversation can be seen on facebook. This is how we sometimes find out about the products our customers would like to use.

Review 7
A recent review about the Prusa i3 3D Printer.

He bought a Prusa i3 Kit from RoboRium on 18th August 2015. This is a snapshot from an email on 20th August.