JMoon MakerSpace welcomes donations and sponsorships from individuals, as well as corporates.
Donate Money (Individuals)
Donate money to help us build a better workspace for you and your fellow makers. Your donations will be used for sustaining & expanding the makerspace in terms of parts and workspace, and in making sure that we keep offering you more FREE and low-cost workshops!
Donate Parts (Individuals)
Have a piece of hardware you no longer need? Want somebody else to use it? A hammer, screwdriver, saw, drill, an old work-table, a printer that just won’t work anymore, a microwave that gives out strange noises, an old PC that is worthy of a museum, or something else that makers can use or hack for parts? Send it to us and we will make sure that your generous donation will be used to put new life into another project!
Donate Time (Individuals)
Check out our programs to see how you can make proper use of your time at the makerspace as an individual or startup.
Sponsor (Corporates)
Sponsor JMoon MakerSpace with money, tools or machines to be used everyday by the curious, hardworking, makers and innovators AND be forever featured on our website! Your company’s name and logo will be listed on the list of sponsors on our website and any products you donate will be proudly displayed at the makerspace and regularly used by makers.